Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq.

Updated Nov 3, 2023
Once a couple has decided that it is time to file for divorce, they may have concerns about how much a divorce will cost them. Clients often ask me how expensive a divorce will be and what they can do to save money on a divorce in New Jersey. Below I discuss some fantastic tips that will definitely save money for everyone involved.
Related: Family LawThe best way to save money on a New Jersey divorce
It is an unfortunate reality, but many marriages in New Jersey fail and eventually the couple finds it necessary to get divorced in New Jersey. The costs for a divorce could be relatively small or add up to a small fortune. What I explain to my clients is that a divorce lawyer is generally paid for the time that is spent on the case. If the case can be resolved quickly, then the legal fees would be relatively modest. If the case drags out for many months or years, then the attorney will have to spend a lot of time on the case and be paid accordingly.
It is important to note that judges in New Jersey do all that they can to avoid making any significant decisions in a divorce case. The courts require that the husband and wife make good faith attempts to work out their differences. The judge will supervise the process and make rulings about how the case is going to proceed, but the judge will expect that the couple will eventually agree on everything (or at least most things) and voluntarily sign an agreement. And this makes sense because the spouses are usually the people who are in the best position to create compromises that will work for them in the long run. Therefore, each spouse can save a lot of money on a divorce if they have open and honest communication with each other from the beginning. If there are children, try to work out where they are going to live and how visitation will work. Work out how the personal property will be divided. Begin a discussion about any cars, houses, vacation homes, etc. that will need to be divided. If this is done, the spouses can each discuss these matters with their attorneys and the lawyers can assist them in quickly and inexpensively finalizing the divorce with the courts. But if the couple refuses to agree on anything, then there is a good chance that legal fees will pile up while the lawyers fight about everything in court.
New Jersey Divorce Lawyer – Free Consultation
If you are involved in any kind of matrimonial, custody, or support dispute, please call us right away for a 100% free consultation, on the phone or in our office. We will review all court documents with you and advise you on what we can do to help you. Remember, anyone who files a Complaint or a Motion in Family Court is looking for the best possible result from their point of view. Do not expect to appear in court on your own, explain your side of the story, and have the judge agree with everything you say. This is very rare. It is important to be represented by a skilled attorney.
Raff & Raff, LLP
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Paterson, NJ 07505
Tel: (973) 742-1917
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