Trial lawyers representing injured individuals and their families since 1922.
As New Jersey Personal Injury lawyers, RAFF & RAFF, LLP, is a law firm of trial lawyers, which has represented injured victims and their families for decades. The firm originally started in 1922 with Samuel Raff (1922-1973) who later began practicing with his son, Donald Raff, and the firm expanded from there.
We are experienced and committed to always delivering outstanding service to our clients. Raff & Raff provides the legal assistance necessary to effectively prosecute and defend claims for individuals and families from all walks of life. Since our beginning, our philosophy has been pragmatic and results-oriented. This has brought us a reputation of integrity, honesty, and effectiveness.
The focus of our law practice is representing people and their families who have suffered a serious injury or experienced a wrongful death.
In addition to personal injury matters, Daniel Levy, Esq. of Raff & Raff, LLP handles other matters as well. If you need a personal injury lawyer, criminal lawyer, or a family lawyer in the northern New Jersey area, please contact us today.