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Moving and Changing Your Driver’s License and Vehicle Registration

If you move to New Jersey from another state, you have a limited amount of time to get a N.J. Driver’s License and obtain N.J. automobile insurance. New Jersey law…


From all of us at Raff & Raff, we wish you and yours, happy holidays and a happy new year. May you have nothing but happiness, health and success in…

The Truth About the McDonald’s Coffee Lawsuit

Here’s a great video about one of the biggest myths of civil lawsuits. As Adam (who apparently ruins everything) explains, big business constructed a massive disinformation campaign about “frivolous lawsuits.”…

Happy Thanksgiving from Raff & Raff!

On behalf of all of the attorneys and staff at Raff and Raff, we would like to wish you and yours a happy Thanksgiving. Please enjoy your festivities with family…

Can I plea bargain before the case goes to a grand jury for indictment?

Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. A lot of people have heard the terms "grand jury" and "indictment", especially when reading about publicized events in the news. In New Jersey,…

The True Costs of Motor Vehicle Crashes in the U.S.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) published an incredibly thorough 304 page report, breaking down what motor vehicle crashes cost. The NHTSA breaks it down into costs for medical…

We’re Expanding at Raff & Raff

No, I'm not referring to our waistlines. (We'll see what happens about that after our Thanksgiving and Holiday meals.) We're pleased to announce we've expanded our Worker's Compensation department with…

The (Funny) Traffic Stop

The Traffic Stop An older lady gets pulled over for going 70mph in a 35mph zone ... Older Woman: Is there a problem, Officer? Officer: Ma'am, you were speeding. Older…

Who pays for my damage from flying road debris?

It happens more often than people think. A driver is on a road or highway and their vehicle is suddenly struck by dangerous flying debris. A study from the AAA…

I was served with a temporary restraining order. How long will the process take?

Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. As part of my Family Law practice, I regularly represent people who were served with a temporary restraining order ("TRO"). And one of the…


Far too many folks believe in their own invincibility. Once seriously injured though, that belief quickly changes. While our bodies are pretty tough, there is only so much force that…

Sleeping with Back Pain after Injury

Many of our clients sustain back injuries from various types of trauma, such as car accidents or bad fall-down incidents. So many of them enter a vicious cycle of interrupted…

What is the most important question to ask police if they approach you?

Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. As I write this post, it is impossible to turn on the TV or browse social media and ignore the severe tension between police…

How do I get a copy of police dashcam video?

In many criminal cases, the police and the defendant have very different versions of the events that led up to an arrest. Routinely, a client comes into our office and…

Can a child testify in court?

Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. In all types of cases - criminal, civil, family - when it comes time for trial there may be situation where one of the…

Medical Errors are No. 3 Cause of Death in U.S.

By: Michael Raff, Esq. Researchers from Johns Hopkins analyzed medical death rate data over an eight year period. They have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due…

Is it a burglary if you were given permission to enter?

Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. In New Jersey, a person commits a burglary if they enter or remain within certain types of structures without having license or privilege to…

Raff & Raff argues in Appellate Division as Amicus counsel

We are pleased to report that Raff & Raff recently appeared before the Appellate Division to argue an important appeal as amicus curiae counsel for New Jersey Association for Justice.…

Ovarian Cancer and Talcum Powder

Talcum powder may be a staple in bathrooms throughout the country, but evidence of its association with ovarian cancer goes back to the early 1970s. Back then, scientists noted a…

For Lawyers: Effective Use of Exhibits in Civil Trial

For any lawyers interested in learning more about using exhibits during trial, feel free to sign up for this weekend's seminar, presented by the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal…