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Child support changes when a teenager gets a drivers license

Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. We previously wrote about how to lower child support payments. But as part of our Family Court practice we are sometimes faced with the…

What does “PIP” Coverage Mean on My Auto Policy?

"PIP" stands for Personal Injury Protection. This is the portion of automobile insurance that covers your medical coverage. If you or other persons covered under your policy are injured in…

BREAKING: New Jersey lab technician falsified drug test results

Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. Today, we learned of a shocking discovery regarding falsification of drug test results within the New Jersey State Police Laboratory. As part of our…


In New Jersey, sadly the answer is yes. It wasn’t always this way. Up until several years ago, if you owned an operable car, you were required to have car…

Grandparent Visitation in New Jersey

During the past few years, the issue of grandparent visitation has become something of a hot button issue in New Jersey and across the country. Beginning several years ago, lawmakers…

Do I Need an Expert Witness in My Case?

If you’re the injured party in a personal injury lawsuit, the answer is generally, yes. Expert witnesses are an important and often a necessary part of personal injury cases. They…

What happens if you fail out of Drug Court?

If a person is accused of a serious crime involving drugs, they may be offered entry into a program called Drug Court. Basically, the program is designed to take non-violent…

Happy Holidays from Raff & Raff!

From all of us at Raff & Raff, we wish you and yours, happy holidays and a happy new year. May you have nothing but happiness, health and success in…

Can I plead guilty if I’m not guilty?

When we handle a criminal case, it is very common that we are able to negotiate an early plea offer for our clients. Of course, our clients typically have a…

Can a judge order a divorced couple to sell their home?

When a client consults with us on a divorce matter, one of the more common questions is, what's going to happen to the house?  And this isn't just a common…

Forced Arbitration

By Michael Raff, Esq. Most people are used to clicking "agree" and signing contracts frequently without much thought. Buried in the fine print of these documents and online websites for…

Marital fraud does not require intent

As part of our Divorce Law practice, clients sometimes ask about annulments and something called "marital fraud". Clients sometimes want to know if they need to get a divorce or…

Police no longer need a warrant to search a car in New Jersey

Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. Very recently, the New Jersey Supreme Court drastically changed the rules regarding police searches of vehicles. The bottom line is that police in New…


In NJ, a physician who fails to have medical malpractice insurance and then commits medical malpractice cannot be sued on the basis of his failure to have the proper insurance.…

New Child Car Seat Laws in NJ

Starting Tuesday, September 1, 2015, new child safety seat regulations take place in New Jersey. For all you parents, grandparents, and caregivers of little ones, here is a summary of…

Sheldon Richardson – lucky he wasn’t arrested in New Jersey!

Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. Sheldon Richardson, the New York Jets' Pro Bowl defensive lineman, was arrested July 14, 2015 in Missouri. The police allege that he was driving…

Same-sex marriage in New Jersey

Recently, the United States Supreme Court decided the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, holding that the United States Constitution requires the States to license marriages between two people of the…

It’s a Crash. Not an Accident.

When a toddler spills his milk, it can be considered an accident. When a driver gets behind the wheel of a car and is texting instead of paying attention to…


So many of our clients, unfortunately, suffer from unrelenting pain caused by a trauma. Pain's ability to disrupt one's sleep can be devastating. The pain cycle can lead to irritability,…

How can I lower my child support?

Many clients come to us asking if they can lower their New Jersey child support payments. In most cases, the client is subject to a child support order and they…