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Injured While Bike Riding

Now that the flowers are blossoming and potholes are being filled (slowly), bike riders are once again taking to the streets. Many bike riders are still confused as to their…

Happy Holidays from Raff & Raff!

From all of us at Raff & Raff, we wish you and yours, happy holidays and a happy new year. May you have nothing but happiness, health and success in…

Testifying against a spouse in a New Jersey criminal trial

Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. When a person is charged in a criminal case, they may be concerned that their husband or wife will testify against them. In fact,…

If the victim wants to drop the charges, will the case be dismissed?

As part of our Criminal Practice, clients sometimes explain that the victim of a crime wants to just drop the charges. They ask why the criminal case is still in…

What happens in a Grand Jury: A Ferguson case study

Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. A grand jury decided not to indict Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown. This was heavily covered in…

Happy Thanksgiving from Raff & Raff!

On behalf of all of the attorneys and staff at Raff and Raff, we would like to wish you and yours a happy Thanksgiving. Please enjoy your festivities with family…

Is My Car on the Airbag Recall List?

There's hardly been a day that's gone by in recent weeks in which there is not a headline regarding a motor vehicle airbag problem. The best way to determine whether…

Steve Raff Appears Before the U.S. Supreme Court

On October 14, 2014, Stephen Raff, Esq. had the honor of appearing before the United States Supreme Court to request the admission of his friend and colleague, Derek T. Smith,…

Canceling a Contract

There is plenty of misinformation among the public about canceling or rescinding a contract. Many folks think there is a magical three day period during which one can back out…

New Jersey Alimony Reform Signed Into Law

After a nearly unanimous vote in the New Jersey Senate, Governor Chris Christie signed into law a comprehensive set of New Jersey alimony reforms. This will impact our Family Law…

Seat Belt Violation Can Now Be Criminal Offense

As if anyone needed another reason to wear a seatbelt, here’s one for you. The New Jersey Supreme Court, in a unanimous ruling on Sept. 18, 2014, held that a…

Vote on New Jersey Constitutional Amendment for Bail Reform

On election day this November, 2014, there will be vote as to whether the New Jersey Constitution should be amended to allow judges to deny bail to certain high risk…

New Law Eases Penalties for Driving Without Insurance

Driving without insurance in New Jersey is a very serious matter, and for many years the New Jersey courts and politicians have taken steps to combat the rising problem of…

Police cannot search a cell phone without a warrant

Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. Related: Police cannot track cellphones without a warrant, Can police detain me if they have a search warrant?, What to do if you are…

Contribution towards college expenses for a child who refuses to speak with you

Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. Back in March, many news organizations reported that New Jersey Judge Peter Bogaard of Morris County Superior Court's Family Division said "no" to Rachel…

Elevator Injuries

While our firm represent many individuals who are harmed by elevator defects and malfunction, rarely do we have videos of the actual incidents. This video, which has made the rounds…

Arrests following Teaneck High School 'Senior Prank' – a case study in diversionary justice

Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. On May 1, 2014, over 60 students at Teaneck High School were arrested following what was allegedly a high school senior prank. Some were…

Party hosts can be liable after serving alcohol

With summer coming up, clients should be reminded that they could be liable for accidents that occur both at and after their backyard BBQ's and parties. In New Jersey, this…

Kellogg Agrees to Change Food Labels After Class-Action Settlement

Ingredients with the names pyridoxine hydrochloride, calcium pantothenate, and hexane-processed soy ingredients don’t sound very natural, but they are apparently used in Kashi products. A class-action lawsuit was filed alleging…