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Workplace injuries in the trial courts

UPDATED: OCTOBER 22, 2019 We previously wrote about work-related injuries and explained some of the legal background. Specifically, we explained that if a worker in New Jersey wants to bring…

Injuries at construction work sites

UPDATED: OCTOBER 17, 2019 The late '60s was a rocky time in United States. The country was focused on civil rights, women's rights, and Vietnam. Also during that time, workplace…


Harassment in the workplace comes in many forms. Not all types of harassment, however, are the basis for a legal claim. For example, petty slights by co-workers, annoyances at work,…

Is leaving a baby in a car always considered child abuse?

UPDATED OCTOBER 2, 2019 Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. A hot topic in the news today is the issue about babies and toddlers who were left in a locked…

How to Beat/Fail a Field Sobriety Test

UPDATED SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. A significant portion of my practice involves defending those accused of driving while intoxicated. As such, I am very familiar…

If you drive while suspended for DUI, you will go to jail

UPDATED SEPTEMBER 19, 2019 As we have previously discussed, drunk driving convictions (whether by plea or trial conviction) are very serious in New Jersey and carry with them several mandatory…

Traffic Tickets: Missing court; pleading by mail; expunging traffic tickets

UPDATED SEPTEMBER 12,2019 Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. Clients who have received traffic tickets often ask me many of the same questions about how the New Jersey court system…

Civil Forfeiture in New Jersey

<UPDATED SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. Civil forfeiture actions in New Jersey are some of the most misunderstood cases that clients ask me about. Basically, the…

Slow down when driving through town

UPDATED AUGUST 29, 2019 Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. A large part of our personal injury practice are cases involving car accidents. We have seen too many types of…


Up until a few months ago, victims of sexual assault were often prevented from seeking to hold their abusers accountable in court because of the state of limitations. After years…

Is it legal to film the police?

Photo courtesy of Gerry Lauzon UPDATED AUGUST 13, 2019 Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. Related: Criminal Law, Can police detain me if they have a search warrant?, What to…

Criminal defendants have no right to choose their public defender

UPDATED AUGUST 8, 2019 Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. In New Jersey, if a criminal defendant is indigent and cannot afford a lawyer, the court will appoint a public…

Mediation and arbitration during New Jersey lawsuits

UPDATED AUGUST 1, 2019 Most people know what a lawsuit is and people are generally familiar that a plaintiff may file a lawsuit and at the end there eventually is…

Reimbursement for Lost Wages After a Car Accident Through Your Insurance

UPDATED JULY 18, 2019 Following a car accident, an injured person may be in the position where they are too hurt to immediately return to work. In New Jersey, we…

I went to court, but the judge wouldn’t listen to me!

  UPDATED: JULY 11, 2019 Article by: Daniel A. Levy, Esq. Very frequently, I speak with clients who complain that they appeared in court but the judge just wouldn't listen…

The Seriousness of an Insurance Medical Exam

                            UPDATED JUNE 27, 2019 In most New Jersey cases, if a person is injured in a…

Alternatives to Lawsuit Funding: Anything Else!

UPDATED JUNE 20, 2019 If you are considering taking out a lawsuit funding or financing, we would like to tell you about a surprising and new alternative: It's called, "Anything…


The NJ Supreme Court recently decided a case (Haines v. Taft), which ruled that unless an injured car crash victim bought $250,000 in (PIP) Personal Injury Protection medical benefits, they…

What happens if the police don’t read me my rights?

UPDATED JUNE 6, 2019 Article by Daniel A. Levy, Esq. Related: Criminal Law, What happens on the first court date if arrested in New Jersey?, Understanding the fee for criminal…

Bad Idea: Electing Health Insurance Primary on Your Car Insurance Policy

UPDATED MAY 14, 2019 New Jersey car insurance companies are constantly trying convince you to switch insurance companies by offering cheaper rates. Not long ago, we explained how New Jersey…